
STERIS Deutschland GmbH
Eupener Str. 70
50933 Köln-Germany

Tel.: 0049 (0) 7461-96 239-0

Managing directors: Matthias Brumm, Michael Tokich, John Ubbing

Commercial Register: Amtsgericht Köln

HRB 55911
V.A.T-Id.No.: DE 814429117


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All details, including but not limited to, illustrations, product descriptions and documents published on this website are the sole property of STERIS Deutschland GmbH. Any copying or distribution in whole or in parts is subject to a written permit by STERIS Deutschland GmbH. All rights reserved.

General Conditions of Use
Access to and use of this website are without exception subject to the following conditions. Please do not use this website unless you agree with these conditions.

This website has been developed by us, the STERIS Deutschland GmbH (hereinafter to be referred to as STERIS Deutschland GmbH) and is administrated and enhanced by us. We reserve the right to discontinue or to make partial or complete modifications to this website or to the General Conditions of Use, either permanently or temporarily and without prior announcement solely at our own discretion. For access and usage of our website only the latest version of the General Conditions of Use prevails.
Without exception this website and its contents are only aiming at and meant for use by natural or legal persons or legal entities, acting at the time of use in a commercial capacity or in a capacity as self-employed professionals (entrepreneurs). Any other use by the aforementioned users or other users is unauthorised and may be unlawful.

Not binding content
All contents on this website, especially details, documents and illustrations published were investigated with great care. STERIS Deutschland GmbH has compiled the information provided on this website from internal and external sources to the best of its knowledge and belief, using professional diligence. Nevertheless, they only serve as unbinding information, especially about STERIS Deutschland GmbH and its products and services. Keeping ready those information may neither be seen as a binding offer nor any express or implied warranty. Any commercial use or the use as a basis for business relevant or medical decisions is unauthorised unless permitted by a mutual agreement in written form. As far as the information in this website or within the provided material contains medical statements, e.g. concerning the execution of specific diagnostic methods or surgery practises, they must be verified in each case before any kind of use on the basis of the acknowledged state of the scientific and technical knowledge, e.g. by means of scientific literature.

Limited right of use
If no other author/holder of a right is expressly visible, all details, documents and illustrations published on this website are the sole property of STERIS Deutschland GmbH. The permission to use the same (simple, non-transferable right of use) is granted on the proviso that any commercial or other use for commercial or medical purposes or as basis for such decisions will remain undone. The right of use is furthermore subject to the restriction, that the details are not modified in any way and that all illustrations gained from the website, e.g. pictures and logos are only used in conjunction with the accompanying text. Any copying or distribution in whole or in parts is subject to a written permit by STERIS Deutschland GmbH.

Trademarks and logos
All product names and logos on this website are trademarks of STERIS Deutschland GmbH, its subsidiaries, affiliates, licensors or joint venture partners. Unless expressly permitted by STERIS Deutschland GmbH in writing any use of these trademarks or other materials is expressly prohibited. Any unauthorized use may constitute a violation of copyright, trademark law or other industrial property rights.

Use at one’s own risk and virus protection
You will use this website and the internet presence of STERIS Deutschland GmbH at your own risk. As far as STERIS Deutschland GmbH offers downloads free of charge, the data on STERIS Deutschland GmbH´ and their auxiliary persons´ systems were checked for known computer viruses and bugs. Nevertheless you are asked on your own behalf to take proper measures of protection, amongst other things due to STERIS Deutschland GmbH´ missing influence on data on their way on the internet, being far out of our technical sphere of control.

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This website contains sporadic links or references to third-party websites. STERIS Deutschland GmbH chooses the third-party website on the basis of the homepage at the time of setting the link (“surface-link”). Any unwanted, e.g. illegal contents in lower levels of the website or later changes can not be prevented. Therefore any link to third-party websites does neither prove STERIS Deutschland GmbH´ approval to such foreign third-party content nor can STERIS Deutschland GmbH accept any responsibility for the availability or the contents of such websites. Links to other websites are provided to website users merely for the sake of convenience.

Limited liability
STERIS Deutschland GmbH has compiled the detailed information provided on this website from internal and external sources to the best of its knowledge and belief, using professional diligence. Nevertheless the information on this website is purely for the purpose of presenting STERIS Deutschland GmbHG and its products and services. However, no representation is made or warranty given, either expressly or tacitly, for the completeness or correctness of the information on this website. Any information provided does in no case substitute precise notice of any current product manual or directions for uses. This website neither implies any warranty of fitness for a special purpose.

As far as claims against STERIS Deutschland GmbH or any auxiliary person can arise from the content of the website at all, the liability of STERIS Deutschland GmbH or any of its auxiliary persons is hereby restricted to wilful misconduct or gross negligence as long as no violation of fundamental contractual obligations or given warranties applies or damages result from a fatal or any other injury or are based on the German Product Liability Act (“ProdHaftG”).

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The user of this website is fully responsible for the content and correctness of details he or she sends to STERIS Deutschland GmbH as well as for the non-violation of any third-party rights that may be involved in such details. The user gives his or her consent for STERIS Deutschland GmbH to store such details and to use the same for the purpose of statistical analysis or for any other specified business purpose, unless the information involves personal details, going beyond master data or usage data as defined in articles 5 and 6 of the German Teleservices Data Protection Act (TDDSG).

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